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BS Programs & ADS | ADP : BS Biotechnology | BS Zoology | BS Biochemistry | BS (HND) | BS Microbiology | BS (CS) Computer Sciences | ADP Web design & Development (WdD) | B.Ed (1.5 y) | PGD in Speech & Language Therapy (SLT) | B-Pharmacy Technician  SM College Gujranwala | Saint Mary's College | St. Mary's College of Advance Studies

Code of Conduct

Conduct is the set of rules & regulations to maintain discipline among the students, believes that the regulations, guidelines and safeguards described herein are indispensable features to maintaining an academic environment. 


Academic Dishonesty 

Academic dishonesty is an act of fraud, which may include misrepresentation, deceit, falsification, or trickery of any kind that is done by the student with the purpose, intent, or expectation of influencing a grade or other academic evaluation.

Academic dishonesty also includes forgery and falsification of College academic documents, intentionally impeding or damaging the academic work of others, or assisting other students in acts of dishonesty. Common examples of academically dishonest behavior include, but are not limited to, the following: 

Cheating: Intentionally using or attempting to use unauthorized materials, information, or study aids in any academic exercise; copying from another student’s examination sheet; submitting work prepared in advance for an in-class examination; taking an examination for another person or conspiring to do so. 

  1. Fabrication: Intentional and unauthorized falsification or invention of any information or citation in an academic exercise. 

  2. Facilitating academic dishonesty: Intentionally or knowingly helping or attempting to help another to commit an act of academic dishonesty. 

  3. Plagiarism: Intentionally or knowingly or unknowingly representing the words or ideas of another as one’s own in any academic exercise; failure to attribute direct quotation, paraphrase, or borrowed facts or information. 

  4. Unauthorized Collaboration: Providing, either knowingly or through negligence, one’s own work to assist a student in satisfying a course requirement, or representing material prepared by or with another as one’s own independent work. In instances where students are permitted to work jointly to complete an assignment, instructors will offer clear guidelines about when and how to collaborate; if a student is unsure, it is the responsibility of the student to ask the instructor. 


Unfair Means 
Use of unfair means generally covers the following:
1. An attempt to have access to the question paper before the test/examination.
2. Use/possession of unauthorized reference material during test/examination.
3. Any form of communication by the examinees with any one in or outside the test/ 
examination room while the test/examination is in progress.
4. Unauthorized entry into faculty’s office or that of his staff with the intention of 
having an access to or tempering with the official record/exam paper etc. 


Moral Dishonesty: Moral dishonesty means act which does not conform to known norms of decency.


Classroom Standards: The individual faculty member is primarily responsible for managing the classroom environment. If a student engages in any prohibited or unlawful acts or other behavior that results in disruption of a class, he or she may be directed by the faculty member to leave the class for the remainder of the class period and report the matter to the concerned Chairperson/ Incharge.


Academic Dishonesty: Violating the College Policy on Academic Dishonesty by committing, or attempting to commit, academic dishonesty including, but not limited to, cheating, plagiarism, fabrication, facilitating academic dishonesty of others and unauthorized collaboration. 


Abuse, Assault, Threatening Behavior: Intentionally or recklessly endangering, threatening, or causing physical or mental harm to any person/ student, or oneself, on College premises or at College -sponsored activities, or intentionally or causing reasonable apprehension of such harm including, but not limited to abusive language 

and/or physical or verbal intimidation, harassment, coercion etc. 


Firearms, Explosives and Other Weapons: Illegal or unauthorized use, possession, or storage of firearms, explosives (including, but not limited to fireworks), other weapons, or dangerous chemicals on College premises, with or without a license to possess the same has been issued to the possessor. 

Furnishing False Information, Forgery or Unauthorized Use of Documents: 

Intentionally furnishing false information to the College and its officials; or misusing affiliation with the College to gain access to outside agency/services; or using false information or College resources to compromise the name of the College . Forgery, unauthorized alteration, or unauthorized use of any College document or electronic transmission, or instrument of identification, or academic and non- academic records, signatures, seals, or stamps thereof. 

Disorderly Conduct or Indecent Behavior: Engaging in disorderly or indecent conduct; breaching of peace; or aiding, abetting, or hiring another person to breach the peace on College premises or at College -sponsored functions/activities. Any unauthorized use of electronic or other devices to make an audio or video record of any person while on College premises without his or her prior knowledge. 

Theft: Theft, or attempted theft, of property or services on College premises or at College -sponsored activities. 

Damage to Property or its Destruction: Intentionally or recklessly destroying or damaging, or attempting to destroy or damage, College property or the property of others on College premises or at College -sponsored activities.

Non-Compliance With Official Direction: Failure to comply with reasonable direction of College officials acting in performance of their duties. 

Violation of College Regulations and Policies: Violating College regulations or policies including amendments and additions adopted since the publication date.

Alcohol/Drugs/Intoxicants: Distribution, possession, and consumption of alcohol/ drugs/intoxicants on College premises or at College -sponsored activities. 

Unauthorized Access to Facilities: Unauthorized access or entry to, or use of, College facilities and equipment Unauthorized possession, duplication or use of keys to any College premises, facilities or equipment; or, unauthorized entry to or use of College premises. 

Unauthorized, Use of Computer or Electronic Communication Devices: Theft or other abuse of computer facilities and resources including, but not limited to:-

1. Unauthorized entry into a file, to use, read, or change the contents, or for any 

other purpose. 

2. Unauthorized transfer of a file.

3. Use of another individual’s identification and/or password.

4. Interference with the work of another student, faculty member or College 


5. Sending obscene, abusive or threatening messages.

6. Transmission of computer viruses.

7. Interfering with normal operation of the College computing system.

8. Unauthorized duplication of software or other violation of copyright laws.

9. Unauthorized access to, or unauthorized, mischievous or malicious use of College 

computer equipment or networks, or electronic communication devices, or the use of such equipment or devices to gain unauthorized access to, and/or use of, off-campus computer equipment. 

Provoking Others to Misconduct: Intentionally using words or actions to provoke or encourage others to violent or retaliatory behavior, or other acts of misconduct. 

Identification/Registration Cards: Failure to wear, or to produce or surrender the identification card upon the request of a College official. 

Animals: Bringing an animal into any College building, with the exception of animals used for authorized laboratory purposes, or animals being used for security purpose for which express permission has been granted by the College Authority. 

Demonstrations: Walking in large groups, shouting and talking loudly near class rooms, aimless sitting in corridors after class timings, demonstrations exceeding the bounds of free assembly and demonstrations engaging in unlawful acts that cause or imminently threaten injury to person or property, infringes on the rights of other members of the College community leading to or inciting others to disrupt scheduled and/or normal activities within any campus building or area (or any College sponsored activity). 

Political Activities: Unauthorized use of College facilities or equipment for political activities. 

Harassment: Includes the following: 

  1. Passing remarks, placing visual or written material, aimed at a specific person or group: 
    a. With the intention of causing harm to the person or group; and/or, 
    b. Creating an environment which limits a student’s educational opportunity. 

  2. Making unwanted verbal or physical advances or explicit derogatory statements toward individuals, which cause them discomfort or humiliation or which interferes 
    with their educational opportunity. 

  3. Physical assault. 

Gambling: Unauthorized and/or illegal exchange of money favors or services as a result of an organized or unorganized game or competition. 

Smoking: Smoking is prohibited on College premises.

Mobile Phones: Use of mobile phone in the class room is completely banned. It should 

be switched off during class hours. No one can bring mobile phone during exams in the examination room/hall. 

Abuse of the Student Conduct System:

Abusing the student conduct system including, but not limited to:

1. Failure to obey the notice from a College official to appear for a meeting or 

hearing as part of the student conduct system.

2. Falsification, distortion or misrepresentation of information before a hearing body 

or designated hearing officer of the College .

3. Disruption or interference with the orderly conduct of a hearing proceeding.

4. Causing a violation of College Code of Conduct hearing to convene in bad faith. 

Indecent Behavior at the Campus/ Disturbing Academic Atmosphere:

Indecent behavior exhibited at the campus including classes, cafeteria, laboratories etc, defying the norms of decency, morality and religious/cultural/social values by single or group of students.

Damage to the College fixtures/furniture, scribbling/carving on desks, wall chalking, misusing of lab/College  equipment, etc. 

Use of mobile phone/ listening music in class rooms, examination halls, labs and library thus disrupting the calm of the said rooms. 

Off-Campus Conduct: Conduct occurring off College premises is such that it should not affect the interest/image of the College . 



Enforcement of Code of Conduct 

Matters of indiscipline would be referred to the College, Institution or GCUF authorities, which are authorized to check indiscipline matters and decide as per GCUF rules, regulations and policy, or as per the decision of Discipline Committee it deems fit. Parents of those students who disobey authority and violate the code of conduct will be informed. Students are not allowed to bring their guests at the Campus except their parents. 

Punishment or Penalty for Acts of In-Discipline 

Punishment or penalty for acts of in-discipline shall be according to the gravity of the case and may be any one or more of the following: 

Major Punishments 

  1. Fine: Fine which may amount up to Rs.25000 

  2. Exam Result: Cancellation of examination result. 

  3. Rustication: Rustication from the class for a specified period up to two semesters 
    after the expiry of the punishment, the student shall be admitted in the semester 
    where he/ she left. 

  4. Expulsion: includes expulsion from the University for indefinite period, cancellation 
    of studentship and admission, ineligibility for further admission. 

  5. Degree: Non conferment of degree/transcript. 


Other sanctions or a combination of above mentioned punishments as deemed appropriate. 



Federal/Provincial Laws and Ordinances: Violation of a Federal/Provincial law or ordinance will be dealt accordingly under these laws. 


Dress Code 

In order to maintain academic dignity and sanctity of the Institution, students are required to wear decent uniform as prescribed i.e. White Shalwar Kameez for Girls and Navy Blue trouser with White Shirt. 

tudent should not: 

  1. Wear tight or see-through dress.

  2. Wear Shorts

  3. Wear torn clothing.

  4. Wear jogging or exercise clothing during classes.

  5. Put on excessive makeup or wear expensive jewelry. 

  6. Wear untidy, gaudy or immodest dress in classrooms, cafeteria and college offices.

WORKING SINCE 1979 آدھی صدی کا قصہ ہے کوئی دو ،چار یا دس برس کی بات نہیں Admission Open BS Programs - DPT & ADS | ADP in Gujranwala:Doctor of Physiotherapy-DPT | BS Radiology & Medical Imaging Technology | BS RIT | BS Medical Lab. Technology | BS MLT | BS Biotechnology | BS Zoology | BS Biochemistry | BS Human Nutrition & Dietetics (Clinical)-HND | DND | B - Pharmacy Technician | Certificate in Medical Sonography 1. DPT-Doctor of Physical Therapy 2. BS Biotechnology 3. BS Human Nutrition & Dietetics-Clinical 4. BS Biochemistry 5. BS MLT 6. BS RIT 7. F.Sc | Diploma in Medical Lab Technology-MLT 8. F.Sc | Diploma in Operation Theatre Technology-OTT 9. F.Sc | Diploma in Dental Technology 10. F.Sc | Diploma in Ophthalmology 11. Diploma in Anaesthesia 12. Certificate in Sonography 13. 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Public Health 👉5. Nutrition in Emergency Care 👉6. Epidemiology BS Biotechnology Major with: 👉 👉1. Forensic Science 👉2. Nanotechnology 👉3. Bioinformatics & Molecular Genetics 👉4. Molecular Pathology & Virology BS Biochemistry Major with: 👉 👉 Molecular Biology 👉Immunochemistry 👉Chemotherapy 👉Genetics 👉Clinical Biochemistry BS Human Nutrition & Dietetics Major with: 👉 👉1. Clinical Therapeutic Nutrition 👉2. General Pathology 👉3. Nutraceutical Science 👉4. Public Health 👉5. Nutrition in Emergency Care 👉6. Epidemiology Times Higher Education Ranked 181 Worldwide. Ranked 3rd in Pakistan by HEC Ranked 1st in Punjab by HEC BS MLT (Medical Lab. Technology) Major with: 👉 👉 1. Clinical Biochemistry 👉 2. General Haematology & Immunohematology 👉 3. Clinical Pathology & Forensic Medicine 👉 4. Biomedical Methods & Clinical Genetics 👉 5. Histopathology & Histotechnology BS RIT Major with: 👉 👉 1. Nuclear Medicine 👉 2. Ultrasound-CT Scan-MRI & Cardiac Imaging 👉 3. Echocardiography 👉 4. Forensic Medicine 👉 4. Clinical Pharmacology BS Microbiology Major with: 👉 👉 1. Immunology 👉 2. Basic Pathology 👉 3. Virology 👉 4. Vaccinology 👉 5. 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Virtual University and Allama Iqbal Open University (AIOU) are prominent institutions providing various bachelor's degree programs. A bachelor's degree is an undergraduate degree awarded upon completion of a specific course of study. In Pakistan, students can pursue a bachelor's degree in various fields, including arts, sciences, engineering, and business. AIOU offers a wide range of programs, catering to the diverse interests and career aspirations of students. Virtual University offers courses in different subjects, allowing students to choose programs aligned with their interests and goals. Graduation degrees in Gujranwala hold significant value, as they signify the completion of higher education. The BS (Bachelor of Science) degree is a popular choice among students, with numerous subjects available to specialize in. Admission to BS programs is a crucial step in pursuing higher education, and universities often have specific requirements and procedures for admission. Virtual University's Gujranwala campus is a recognized center for learning, offering a conducive environment for students to pursue their academic goals. Medical courses are also available for students interested in the field of healthcare. Allama Iqbal Open University provides flexible courses for distance learning, enabling individuals to acquire a degree while balancing other commitments. The term "BS Hons" stands for Bachelor of Science Honors, which is an enhanced degree program offering specialized knowledge in a particular subject. A bachelor's degree is highly regarded in Gujranwala, equipping individuals with valuable skills and knowledge for their future careers. Undergraduate admissions are highly competitive, with universities looking for students who demonstrate academic excellence and potential. Punjab University offers a wide range of BS programs, providing students with opportunities to pursue their desired fields of study. Open University courses are designed to be accessible to a diverse range of learners, offering flexibility and convenience in pursuing higher education. A BS degree represents a significant milestone in one's academic journey and opens doors to various career opportunities. 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Session Court Road, Civil Lines Lane # 05, Gujranwala, Punjab, Pakistan


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