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BS Radiology & Imaging Technology | BS RIT | BS Medical Lab. Technology | BS MLT | BS Biotechnology | BS Zoology | BS Biochemistry

Evaluation criteria Subject to Change as per policy 

Academic Dishonesty

Academic dishonesty is an act of fraud, which may include misrepresentation, deceit, falsification, or trickery of any kind that is done by the student with the purpose, intent, or expectation of influencing a grade or other academic evaluation. Academic dishonesty also includes forgery and falsification of University academic documents, intentionally impeding or damaging the academic work of others, or assisting other students in acts of dishonesty. Common examples of academically dishonest behavior include, but are not limited to, the following: 


Intentionally using or attempting to use unauthorized materials, information, or study aids in any academic exercise; copying from another student’s examination sheet; submitting work prepared in advance for an in-class examination; taking an examination for another person or conspiring to do so. 

  • Fabrication: Intentional and unauthorized falsification or invention of any information or citation in an academic exercise.

  • Facilitating academic dishonesty: Intentionally or knowingly helping or attempting to help another to commit an act of academic dishonesty.

  • Plagiarism: Intentionally or knowingly or unknowingly representing the words or ideas of another as one’s own in any academic exercise; failure to attribute direct quotation, paraphrase, or borrowed facts or information.

  • Unauthorized Collaboration: Providing, either knowingly or through negligence, one’s own work to assist a student in satisfying a course requirement, or representing material prepared by or with another as one’s own independent work. In instances where students are permitted to work jointly to complete an assignment, instructors will offer clear guidelines about when and how to collaborate; if a student is unsure, it is the responsibility of the student to ask the instructor.

Unfair Means

Use of unfair means generally covers the following:

1. An attempt to have access to the question paper before the test/examination.
2. Use/possession of unauthorized reference material during test/examination.
3. Any form of communication by the examinees with any one in or outside the test/ 
examination room while the test/examination is in progress.
4. Unauthorized entry into faculty’s office or that of his staff with the intention of 
having an access to or tempering with the official record/exam paper etc. 

Examination Fee

University examination fee shall be charged at the time of enrollment of each semester along with University share.

Test & Examination

  • There shall be two mandatory examinations in each semester i.e. Mid Term and Final Term. Any student absent in the final examination shall be considered fail. In addition to these examinations the teacher shall give home assignments and quizzes etc. to the students. The teacher will be solely responsible for deciding the mode, conduct as well as evaluation of examination in his/her course. The grade given by the teacher shall be final.

  •  The mid-semester examination shall be held during 9th week of the semester and carry 30 percent of the allocated marks for the course. This examination shall be held by the concerned teacher who shall proceed according to the University rules.

  •  In case of deficiency course, a student is required to obtain at least “C” grade.

  •  The following weightage shall be given to the examinations, home assignments, etc.

  • The marked answer scripts of each examination shall be discussed with the students.

  • To qualify a course, it is essential to pass separately the theory and practical (where applicable) examinations with aggregation to be at least 40 percent except for Engineering and Pharmacy Degree programs where aggregation pass marks requirement is 50%.

BS Radiology & Imaging Technology | BS RIT | BS Medical Lab. Technology | BS MLT | BS Biotechnology | BS Zoology | BS Biochemistry
  • Question paper for the mid and final term examination shall be set by the respective teacher. However, Chairperson/ Principal/ Director/ Departmental In-charge shall ensure the quality and standard of the question paper set by the teacher.

  • The teacher shall send the final award list of the course through the respective Chairperson to the office of the Controller of Examinations within 10 days after the conduct of respective examination. (A copy of the award list will be maintained by the respective department along-with the course file).

  • On receipt of the award lists, the Controller of Examinations shall notify the results and send copies to the office of the Dean/Coordinator, Director/Principal and the Chairman of the concerned Department.

BS Radiology - BS RIT | BS MLT | BS Nutrition - HND | BS Biotechnology | BS Biochemistry | BS Microbiology | Pharmacy Technician | BS RIT | BS HND | Pharmacist Course


Grade point and equivalence between letter grading and numerical grading shall be as follows: 

B-Pharmacy (Technician) | Diploma in Clinical Pharmacy | Diploma in Ultrasound | Postgraduate Diploma in Health Care Management | Postgraduate Diploma in Disaster Management | Diploma in Diagnostics Ultrasound-DDU | Diploma in Clinical Nutrition | Diploma in Professional HRM In Healthcare | Postgraduate Diploma in Hospital Management | Postgraduate Diploma in Public Health
B-Pharmacy (Technician) | Diploma in Clinical Pharmacy | Diploma in Ultrasound | Postgraduate Diploma in Health Care Management | Postgraduate Diploma in Disaster Management | Diploma in Diagnostics Ultrasound-DDU | Diploma in Clinical Nutrition | Diploma in Professional HRM In Healthcare | Postgraduate Diploma in Hospital Management | Postgraduate Diploma in Public Health
B-Pharmacy (Technician) | Diploma in Clinical Pharmacy | Diploma in Ultrasound | Postgraduate Diploma in Health Care Management | Postgraduate Diploma in Disaster Management | Diploma in Diagnostics Ultrasound-DDU | Diploma in Clinical Nutrition | Diploma in Professional HRM In Healthcare | Postgraduate Diploma in Hospital Management | Postgraduate Diploma in Public Health
Diploma in MLT  Diploma in RIT  Diploma in OTT  Diploma in Dental Technology  Diploma in Ophthalmology  Diploma in Physiotherapy. 
Diploma in MLT  Diploma in RIT  Diploma in OTT  Diploma in Dental Technology  Diploma in Ophthalmology  Diploma in Physiotherapy. 


  • At the end of each academic year (including summer), the student with Cumulative Grade. Point Average (CGPA) of 1.70 or more but less than 2.00 shall be promoted to the next semester on probation.

  •  A student with a GPA/CGPA below 1.7 is automatically dropped from the University rolls.

  • However, at the end of 5th and 7th and subsequent semesters, a student with a CGPA below 1.7 (after availing the maximum chances of probations and  summers), he/she shall cease to be the student of the University. However, such a student may apply for an Associate Degree if eligible as per rules. 

  • There shall be two probations allowed for BS and one for MA/MSc in an academic Program.

  • A student who has been declared to be dropped in 1st, 2nd or subsequent academic years may be re-admitted to the first semester as a fresh candidate.


Diploma in MLT  Diploma in RIT  Diploma in OTT  Diploma in Dental Technology  Diploma in Ophthalmology  Diploma in Physiotherapy. 


Within the framework of General Rules/Regulations for the award of a graduate or a postgraduate degree special/specific rules may be applicable to certain degree programs. These rules may be issued by the University in order to ensure quality standards and performance of the candidates. Candidate will be awarded the relevant degree, provided that he /she has 

(a) Undertaken a program of study for a period not less than the prescribed period of study given for that program.

(b) Completed the total credit hours of courses as stated in the regulations for that degree;

(c) Passed the prescribed examinations;

(d) Fulfilled minimum course work and lab work requirements, 

(e) Qualified the comprehensive examination (where applicable).

(f) In case of thesis, passed the Viva Voce and / any other mode of assessment prescribed by the University. 


Courses can be taken on pass/fail basis (deficiency/audit courses). These courses can be taken only to meet the basic requirement for the respective degree program, and the grade awarded toward these courses will not be considered in calculating the GPA or CGPA.


If a student fails to attend any lecture during the first four weeks after the commencement of the semester as per announced schedule, his/her admission shall stand cancelled automatically without any notification.


Any candidate found guilty of following matters, his/her case will be submitted to Unfair Means Cases Committee constituted by the University. This committee will be constituted of 02 senior faculty members, Director of Students Affairs, headed by senior Professor of the University.

i. Removes a leaf from his/her answer book, the answer book shall be cancelled.
ii. Submits forged or fake documents in connection with the examination. 
iii. Commits impersonation in the examination.
iv. Copies from any paper, book or notes.
v. Mutilates the Answer Book.
vi. Possesses any kind of material which may be helpful to him/her in the examination.
vii. Does anything that is immoral or illegal in connection with the examination and which may be helpful to him/her in the examination. viii. Refuses to obey the invigilation staff or refuses to follow the instructions issued by the University in connection with the examination. ix. Misbehaves or creates any kind of disturbance in or around the examination centre. 
x. Uses abusive or obscene language on the answer script.
xi. Possesses any kind of weapon in or around examination centre.
xii. Possesses any kind of electronic device which may be helpful in the examination.

His/her case shall result in penalties keeping in view the nature and intensity of offence:

(i) Cancellation of paper*
(ii) Suspension from program for one semester (iii) Heavy and light Fine
(iv) Expulsion forever from the University
(v) Any other. 
* Unfair Means Cases Committee will decide that the student will have to appear in summer semester/with regular semester for the cancelled paper.


  • A visually impaired student may be allowed to attempt the Mid/Final Examinations of the University on Braille/ Computer/any other means of facilitation.

  • In case a student is physically handicapped/visually impaired he/she may apply to the Chairperson of the respective department (with medical certificate as proof of her/his disability) for permission to engage a writer in Tests/ Examinations of the University two weeks before the start of Tests/ Examinations. He/ She will be allowed 45 minutes (maximum) extra time to solve the question paper.

  • The qualification of the person who acts as writer of a handicapped student must be at least one step lower than that of the student. (e.g. for level 6 student, the writer should be at the most of level 5).


The answer book of a candidate shall not be re-assessed under any circumstances. While re-checking does not mean re-assessment/re-evaluation/re-marking of the answer book, the Controller of Examination can arrange for re-checking of examination script by any faculty member from the relevant discipline on the complaint/request of students. Controller of Examination or any officer or rechecking committee appointed shall see that:

(i) There is no computational mistake in the grand total on the title page of the answer book.

(ii) The total of various parts of a question has been correctly made at the end of each question.

(iii) All totals have been correctly brought forward on the title page of the answer book.

(iv) No portion of any answer has been left un-marked.

(v) Total marks in the answer book tally with the marks sheet.

(vi) The hand-writing of the candidate tally in the questions/answer book.


  • Candidates pursuing a program of study which includes research component must pass the prescribed courses before proceeding with the research work & also fulfill the residential requirements. He/she is required to submit thesis submission form and thesis examination fee before the submission of thesis. 

  • For the evaluation of research reports at under graduate level an examination committee comprising senior faculty members of the department will be formulated by the respective chairperson of the department.

WORKING SINCE 1979 آدھی صدی کا قصہ ہے کوئی دو ،چار یا دس برس کی بات نہیں Admission Open BS Programs - DPT & ADS | ADP in Gujranwala:Doctor of Physiotherapy-DPT | BS Radiology & Medical Imaging Technology | BS RIT | BS Medical Lab. Technology | BS MLT | BS Biotechnology | BS Zoology | BS Biochemistry | BS Human Nutrition & Dietetics (Clinical)-HND | DND | B - Pharmacy Technician | Certificate in Medical Sonography 1. DPT-Doctor of Physical Therapy 2. BS Biotechnology 3. BS Human Nutrition & Dietetics-Clinical 4. BS Biochemistry 5. BS MLT 6. BS RIT 7. F.Sc | Diploma in Medical Lab Technology-MLT 8. F.Sc | Diploma in Operation Theatre Technology-OTT 9. F.Sc | Diploma in Dental Technology 10. F.Sc | Diploma in Ophthalmology 11. Diploma in Anaesthesia 12. Certificate in Sonography 13. B-Pharmacy | Pharmacy Technician | Category-B Admission Open: Doctor of Physical Therapy-DPT | BS Radiology & Medical Imaging Technology - BS RIT | BS-MIT | BS Medical Lab Technology-MLT | BS Nutrition & Dietetics (clinical)-HND | BS Biotechnology | BS Biochemistry | Pharmacy Technician | B-Pharmacy Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT) Major with: 👉 👉1. Prosthetics & Orthotics 👉2. Biomechanics & Ergonomics 👉3. Pathology & Microbiology 👉4. Clinical Kinesiology-Neurological Therapy 👉5. Pharmacology | Radiology & Diagnostic Imaging BS Biochemistry BS Biochemistry with Molecular Biology | BS Biochemistry with Immunochemistry | BS Biochemistry with Chemotherapy | BS Biochemistry with Genetics 1. BS Biochemistry with Molecular Biology 2. BS Biochemistry with Immunochemistry 3. BS Biochemistry with Chemotherapy 4. BS Biochemistry with Genetics & Clinical Biochemistry Biotechnology BS Biotechnology with Nanotechnology | BS Biotechnology with Molecular Pathology | BS Biotechnology with Genetics | BS Biotechnology with Molecular Biology | BS Biotechnology with Forensic Sciences 1. BS Biotechnology with Nanotechnology 2. BS Biotechnology with Molecular Pathology 3. BS Biotechnology with Molecular Genetics 4. BS Biotechnology with Forensic Sciences 5. BS Biotechnology with Virology HND BS HND in Clinical with Therapeutic Nutrition | BS HND with General Pathology | BS HND with Nutraceutical's | BS HND with Public Health | BS HND with Clinical Care | BS HND with Epidemiology 1. BS HND in Clinical with Therapeutic Nutrition 2. BS HND with General Pathology 3. BS HND with Nutraceutical Science 4. BS HND with Public Health 5. BS HND with Nutrition in Emergency Care 6. BS HND with Epidemiology HND Major with: 👉 👉1. Clinical Therapeutic Nutrition 👉2. General Pathology 👉3. Nutraceutical Science 👉4. Public Health 👉5. Nutrition in Emergency Care 👉6. Epidemiology BS Biotechnology Major with: 👉 👉1. Forensic Science 👉2. Nanotechnology 👉3. Bioinformatics & Molecular Genetics 👉4. Molecular Pathology & Virology BS Biochemistry Major with: 👉 👉 Molecular Biology 👉Immunochemistry 👉Chemotherapy 👉Genetics 👉Clinical Biochemistry BS Human Nutrition & Dietetics Major with: 👉 👉1. Clinical Therapeutic Nutrition 👉2. General Pathology 👉3. Nutraceutical Science 👉4. Public Health 👉5. Nutrition in Emergency Care 👉6. Epidemiology Times Higher Education Ranked 181 Worldwide. Ranked 3rd in Pakistan by HEC Ranked 1st in Punjab by HEC BS MLT (Medical Lab. Technology) Major with: 👉 👉 1. Clinical Biochemistry 👉 2. General Haematology & Immunohematology 👉 3. Clinical Pathology & Forensic Medicine 👉 4. Biomedical Methods & Clinical Genetics 👉 5. Histopathology & Histotechnology BS RIT Major with: 👉 👉 1. Nuclear Medicine 👉 2. Ultrasound-CT Scan-MRI & Cardiac Imaging 👉 3. Echocardiography 👉 4. Forensic Medicine 👉 4. Clinical Pharmacology BS Microbiology Major with: 👉 👉 1. Immunology 👉 2. Basic Pathology 👉 3. Virology 👉 4. Vaccinology 👉 5. 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Virtual University and Allama Iqbal Open University (AIOU) are prominent institutions providing various bachelor's degree programs. A bachelor's degree is an undergraduate degree awarded upon completion of a specific course of study. In Pakistan, students can pursue a bachelor's degree in various fields, including arts, sciences, engineering, and business. AIOU offers a wide range of programs, catering to the diverse interests and career aspirations of students. Virtual University offers courses in different subjects, allowing students to choose programs aligned with their interests and goals. Graduation degrees in Gujranwala hold significant value, as they signify the completion of higher education. The BS (Bachelor of Science) degree is a popular choice among students, with numerous subjects available to specialize in. Admission to BS programs is a crucial step in pursuing higher education, and universities often have specific requirements and procedures for admission. Virtual University's Gujranwala campus is a recognized center for learning, offering a conducive environment for students to pursue their academic goals. Medical courses are also available for students interested in the field of healthcare. Allama Iqbal Open University provides flexible courses for distance learning, enabling individuals to acquire a degree while balancing other commitments. The term "BS Hons" stands for Bachelor of Science Honors, which is an enhanced degree program offering specialized knowledge in a particular subject. A bachelor's degree is highly regarded in Gujranwala, equipping individuals with valuable skills and knowledge for their future careers. Undergraduate admissions are highly competitive, with universities looking for students who demonstrate academic excellence and potential. Punjab University offers a wide range of BS programs, providing students with opportunities to pursue their desired fields of study. Open University courses are designed to be accessible to a diverse range of learners, offering flexibility and convenience in pursuing higher education. A BS degree represents a significant milestone in one's academic journey and opens doors to various career opportunities. BS | Virtual University programs | Allama Iqbal Open University programs | Bachelor degree | Undergraduate | Bachelor degree in Gujranwala | AIOU programs | Graduation degree in Gujranwala | BS subjects | Virtual University courses | Graduation in Gujranwala | Degrees in Gujranwala | BS admission | BS degree | Virtual University Gujranwala | 2 year MLT degree | BS degree stands for | BS full form | Bachelors degree | BS programs list in Punjab University | Which degree is best in Pakistan | BS programs list | Undergraduate degree | VU admission | Medical courses | AIOU courses | Allama Iqbal Open University admission | Undergraduate admissions | VU campus | AIOU degree | BS hons stands for | BS degree meaning | BS stands for | BA degree in Pakistan | VU admissions | BS degree is equal to | BS programs in AIOU | Open University courses | What is a BS degree | BS subjects in Gujranwala | BS: Punjab University Gujranwala offers a range of BS programs, providing students with diverse academic opportunities. UCP Gujranwala also offers BS programs, allowing students to pursue their desired fields of study. Aspire College Gujranwala provides BS programs, equipping students with the necessary knowledge and skills for their chosen disciplines. GMC Gujranwala offers various BS programs, allowing students to specialize in different areas of study. The merit list of 2019 for Government College Gujranwala displays the candidates selected for admission to BS programs based on their academic achievements. Punjab College Gujranwala is known for its BS programs, providing quality education and fostering intellectual growth. Punjab University Gujranwala Campus offers BS programs, giving students the opportunity to study under the prestigious Punjab University system. The University of Punjab Gujranwala Campus admission in 2019 included BS programs, attracting students seeking higher education opportunities. Virtual University also offers BS programs in Gujranwala, providing flexible learning options for students. These institutions aim to provide a comprehensive and holistic educational experience, preparing students for their future careers and personal growth. 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Admission Office:

Session Court Road, Civil Lines Lane # 05, Gujranwala, Punjab, Pakistan


Phone#:- +92-(55)-3840906 | +92-(55)-3256637

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